Ethiopian Oasis

I'm not overly religious and I'm definitely not trying to convert anybody but after a few days of super hectic days of walking around Addis, there is nothing that can soothe your mind like visiting one of the churches. I don't mean going to the service (which may be nice), I mean just sitting in the compound when no one is there. It is amazing how quiet and still everything is in those compounds compared to the noise and pollution out in the street just a few yards away. And it is even more amazing how still and quiet your mind can get while there. It might just be all in my head but there is some type of energy in those places that you don't feel anywhere else. My favorites are Beata Mariam in 4 kilo and Qus Quam (spelling?) on Entoto mountain, but even the big churches like Selassie in 4 kilo and Giorgis in Arada have that same effect on me.

And as an added bonus you get to see the trees that used to be all over Ethiopia but which only exist in church and embassy compounds now.

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