Promise/Sacrifice - Ato Michael Belay

I saw this article a couple of months ago and I was really moved by it. This man Michael Belay from California went home to Ethiopia after decades here in the states, that's nothing new, but the amazing part is that when he went to his hometown and saw the conditions there he promised to build the children a school. Most of us go home and want to help people and end up giving a little money here and there but Ato Michael took it to another level:

"He returned the next year with his life savings – several thousand dollars – and helped build a temporary, adobe-style school. No floor. No beams. No chairs. But shade at least. And a further promise of a real school".

Well that would have been over the top if he stopped there, but no he kept going:

"He wrote 100 letters, and got 100 rejections".

I would have given up after that. I don't take rejection well. But Ato Michael did something I find to be totally amazing:

"...he put his three-bedroom home in Corona for sale. Belay's home sold for $449,000. He moved his wife and two children into an apartment, paid off what they owed and banked $10,000 for each child's education. The rest, more than $100,000, he took to [Ethiopia]".

At a time when people are trying to squeeze every penny of equity out of their home to buy some granite counter-tops and stainless steel appliances or to upgrade to a Mcmansion, this family gives it all up to help children:

"More than 250 children now attend his four-classroom school with library, bathrooms, showers and playground".


Update: I just did a google search and found some more information on Ato Michael. The most relevant being the non-profit he has started to continue his work in Ethiopia called Happy in Ethiopia.

You can go to and help with their school, water sanitation project, and a new clinic with an ambulance.

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