Soundtrack to the City

This is officially my second day of blogging and I can't believe that I have yet to mention the music. Life in Ethiopia (like a great 70's movie) has its own soundtrack. You can't do anything without listening to some type of music. You wake up up to religious chanting from the nearest church or mosque. Then as soon as you step out into the streets it is continuous music from the taxi cabs, store fronts, cafes, barber shops, and lately the new phenomenon of thumpin stereos from passing cars. But it's not over yet.... when you go out to eat at night is when you get a dose of real Ethiopian music in the restaurants like Yod Abyssinia, Fasika, and if your driving.....uhh I always forget the name but the big restaurant in Kaliti with the little house shaped like a coffee pot.... that place has the best band anywhere. At night you here all the old school instruments and you feel like your really gone back in time... the drums, the harp type instrument and the one string violin, the flute mixed with the great voices and amazing dancing sends you into a trance. This is all before you even get to the clubs!

Update: Someone had to remind me of the different names of the Ethiopian Instruments (I knew the names but didn't know which was which). The harp/guitar is the Kerar, the one string violin is the Masinko, and the flute is a Washint, and just to round it out, the drums are Kebero (Spelling is phonetic). And the name of the restaurant in Kaliti with the "coffee pot house" is Crown Hotel.

I'll post some music soon.

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